Full Sail University

Full Sail在名人堂庆祝游戏和电子竞技

The community came together to enjoy esports, video games, 以及在一年一度的名人堂周庆祝活动期间的桌面游戏.


今年5月,Full Sail大学的名人堂周迎来了第十四届, 邀请学生参与专业发展, unique networking opportunities, and Full Sail’s favorite pastime: video games. 玩家和粉丝们聚集在奥兰多健康堡垒的Full Sail大学,观看最新的年度电子竞技表演赛, 而学生们则享受着与在游戏行业工作的毕业生交流和学习的机会, learn more about Full Sail Armada, and celebrate gaming at Full Sail.

Hall of Game: Homecoming

Full Sail以“名人堂:归乡”拉开了名人堂周的序幕. Held at Armada’s home base, the Full Sail University Orlando Health Fortress, the annual esports exhibition welcomed students, alumni, faculty, 和工作人员为他们最喜欢的球员加油,因为舰队校队与回归的校友球员比赛 Call of Duty, Rocket League, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

无敌舰队校队队员和校友在舞台上玩超级大乱斗兄弟. during Hall of Game.

在惊心动魄的《菠菜台子大全》中,堡垒的舞台上的玩家.’ finale.

校友们赢得了今年的名人堂冠军杯 Rocket League and Smash, while the varsity Call of Duty 该队在五局四胜中击败了返校的校友队.


Hosts show off prizes for players courtesy of MSI.

Students enjoyed swag giveaways courtesy of MSI, food trucks, arcade games, 更是因为学校精神无与伦比的能量淹没了堡垒. 来自Full Sail Armada校队的学生们加入了比赛场地, streaming live to their channels throughout the event. 同时,来自《十大菠菜台子》等节目的主持人 & 电子竞技、电影和体育广播为直播提供了评论.

Armada Connects Afterparty

After the show, students gathered on the patio for more freeplay gaming, free pizza and ice cream, and a bevy of giveaways. 学生抽奖获奖者获得了包括耳机在内的令人难以置信的奖品, gaming controllers, and current-gen home consoles such as a Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X.



这种街区派对式的活动让学生们与无敌舰队队的队员们建立了联系, grads, 而无敌舰队帐篷让社区有机会在整个星期更多地了解无敌舰队.


During Hall of Game: Homecoming, 舰队校队的五名学生因对社区的贡献而获得奖学金, commitment to their academic success, and competitive spirit. On behalf of Orlando Health, the students were awarded a total of $50,为他们的教育目标申请全额赛欧奖学金.


电子竞技总监Sari Kitelyn与今年的5位奖学金获得者.

Students excelling in competition, student leadership, community, and broadcast were selected from Armada competitive teams, the Stream Team, 还有今年奖学金颁奖的选角团队. In a heartwarming moment, varsity Rocket League 运动员“混血”亚历山大·肯尼迪获得奖学金时,他的小儿子在观众席上大声喊出了他的名字.

D20 Deathmatch

但Full Sail的游戏社区并不总是玩数字游戏. 在名人堂期间,学生们见证了D20死亡竞赛的史诗级现场回归. 由Dungeon Master extraaire和Game Business主办 & 电子竞技教练贝卡·戈德西和她的搭档德鲁·戈德西, 两人将他们的热门网络系列D20死亡竞赛的现场版本带到校园里的学生们身上,进行了另一场现场对决.

贝克·戈德西和德鲁·戈德西穿着五颜六色的衣服,站在一群学生面前的户外舞台上. A screen with the words Deathmatch D20 is behind them.


With smoke machines, a giant 20-sided die, and plenty of heavy metal, D20死亡竞赛将户外舞台变成了一个活生生的D&D thunderdome where competitors rolled for their lives. 主播兼特邀嘉宾Broman教授与克里斯蒂安·哈默(Christian Hammer)针锋相对,观众中的学生为球员的死亡欢呼.

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