

Moni Shah's master's degree set her up for a slam-dunk career with the NBA's digital 产品.


Moni Shah's career is a dream for digital marketing professionals and sports fans alike. As the Senior Director for 体育 Marketing at Turner 体育 (a division of Warner媒体 新闻 & 体育), she helps drive basketball fans to digital experiences like the NBA app, NBA Pick ‘Em, and NBA联盟通行证. 额外津贴也不错:莫尼可以参加 NBA全明星 every year, and she often bumps into legends like Shaq, Charles Barkley, and Ernie Johnson. 莫尼对市场趋势的敏锐眼光, 再加上她在满帆接受的全面教育, 让她成为一个成功的领导者.

Moni was pondering her next move after she earned her bachelor's degree in Political Science from Florida State University. She took a job at a Central Florida private home builder and developer and quickly realized that digital marketing was the wave of the future. She found out about 满帆's new Internet Marketing master's degree (now called 数字营销) from a friend and decided to get in on the ground floor of the freshly-launched program.

“我想获得一个包罗万象的背景, 所以我选择去满帆,而不是去读传统的MBA, which at the time didn't have full programs devoted to digital 产品 and marketing,她说.

Moni's time at 满帆 helped shape her into the Senior Director she is today. Like many graduates, she loved her program's commitment to real-world examples. She was required to build her own projects in class and break down the thinking behind her decisions.

“获得反馈并向你的教授展示, “我是这样做的, 这就是为什么我在主页上放了这个副本, and this is why my navigation looks the way it does'… what I heard in those sessions helped set me up,她说.

The program's fast pace and emphasis on self-reliance also helped Moni figure out how to manage her projects and navigate the quick changes of a technology-fueled industry.

“我在数字世界中发现的, technology is changing at such a rapid rate that if you're somebody who can't maneuver [through] ambiguity and white space and just do things on your own to keep things moving, 你没有做好准备,她说.

毕业后, Moni spent a few years doing digital marketing work at smaller agencies before landing at American Express in 2011. She moved around to different management positions within the company and gained a wide breadth of knowledge in user experience, 产品, 产品营销, 以及内部倡议.

After six years in the financial services world, Moni decided it was time for a change. Her lifelong love of sports (especially the Orlando Magic) inspired her to look at careers in that arena, and in 2017 she joined Turner 体育 to help market their NBA 产品.

莫尼的日子就是各种各样的会议, 纽约和亚特兰大之间的航班, 和NBA的电话联系. She works with almost every digital team that's involved in Turner 体育' NBA joint venture, 包括产品团队, 工程, 编程, data, 社交媒体, 编辑内容, 和更多的. Having a handle on all of those elements helps her make intelligent decisions about strategically pivoting in real time to meet the demands of the NBA's digital 产品.

“当涉及到像League Pass这样的东西时, 我们着眼于我们的参数和数据, 我们的kpi, (我们)实时管理产品, but [we're] also building for the future and prioritizing what NBA fans want."

所有的辛勤工作都得到了回报,在幕后访问 TNT直播NBA 以及亚特兰大的NBA电视演播室. "Just getting to see [the players] and whoever the guests are on a weekly basis… You really can't beat it."

要找到像莫尼这样的工作很难,但也不是不可能. She recommends looking for work at a large media agency after graduation — that move helped her build a larger professional network and learn the nuts and bolts of executing campaigns.

"A lot of times people want to go from zero to 60 and become a strategist… if you don't have an understanding of how to execute and work collaboratively across different groups, you can have a lot of hiccups with teams you have to work with她说.

Moni also thinks that gaining a variety of digital marketing experiences in different roles can give someone a leg up.

“在工作上有所成就之前,不要离开, but don't just sit in one organization or role for years… In terms of digital, 因为变化太大了, getting a wider breadth of experience is something I've really valued in my career."