Full Sail University

Women In Technology Scholarship

The Women in Technology Scholarship is designed to identify women who are exceptionally talented in their problem solving and critical thinking skills, academically successful, and passionate about emerging technology industries. Three components encompass this program: scholarship, community, and mentorship.

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The Women in Technology Scholarship program will award a full scholarship including tuition and a laptop to an eligible woman pursuing a select Full Sail University degree program. Applicants will need to adhere to eligibility criteria and strict deadlines outlined in the Minimum Eligibility Requirements and Application Process sections. Upon starting the program, the recipient is paired with a mentor (female faculty or graduate in a similar field of study), during their time at Full Sail University. Along with a mentor, the award winner will have an opportunity to engage with the community by attending a conference with an emphasis in Women’s leadership in technology. Finalists will be invited to a Full Sail University virtual event to participate in a whiteboard problem-solving competition. A very limited number of scholarships awarded to the finalists selected from the competition.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the Women in Technology Scholarship must:

  • Identify as female.
  • Meet Admissions requirements for an eligible Bachelor of Science degree program: Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Game Development, Information Technology, Simulation & Visualization, or Web Development.
  • Have earned at least one of the following: a cumulative high school GPA of 3.8 or higher, an SAT score after February 2016 of 1133 or higher, or an ACT score of 25 or higher when the scholarship application is submitted.
  • Submit an Application for Admission by June 22, 2024.
  • Submit an original project with screencast per instructions in the Application Process section by June 22, 2024.
  • Begin their degree program within two years of selection for the scholarship.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress and adhere to Full Sail University’s Code of Conduct.

Ready to take the next step? You can request more information about our programs here.

Application Process

All eligible candidates will proceed through the following process:

Round 1

  • Candidates will submit an original project with screencast based on their degree program of interest by Saturday, June 22, 2024. See Project Requirements for Applicants section for project requirements. The link to the project and screencast must be submitted to http://go.aproteka.com/women-in-technology-scholarship.
  • Candidates will be interviewed by a Full Sail University Admissions representative and apply for admission by Saturday, June 22, 2024.
  • Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for Round 1 will be notified by Monday, June 24, 2024 of eligibility to participate in Round 2 as semifinalists.

Round 2

  • Upon Round 2 notification, semifinalists will submit a completed scholarship application, a copy of their high school transcript, and an official SAT or ACT score via the student Full Sail One website by Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
  • Semifinalists who submit an original project that meets eligibility criteria and possess a high school GPA of 3.8, an SAT score of 1133, or an ACT score of 25 and above will qualify for Finalist status.
  • Finalists will be notified by Friday, June 28, 2024 regarding their eligibility to participate in Round 3, the whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by Full Sail University.

Round 3

  • Finalists will be invited to participate in a whiteboard problem-solving competition on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Finalists will receive detailed instructions prior to the event.
  • Based on the criteria given, the scholarship award will be announced by Thursday, July 18, 2024.

Award Determination

  • Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 2 will be determined by the Women in Technology Scholarship panel based on the evaluation of the project submitted for the degree program of interest as listed in the Project Requirements for Applicants section, provided all eligibility requirements above are still met.
  • Scholarship applicants eligible for Round 3 will be determined based on (1) their high school transcript, SAT score, or ACT score and (2) this scholarship application, provided all eligibility requirements are met. Applicants who have not graduated may submit unofficial transcripts.
  • A scholarship recipient will be determined based on the whiteboard problem-solving competition held virtually by Full Sail University.

Provisions & Award Requirements

  • Applicants must have applied as a new student to Full Sail University for a start date within two years of being selected for the scholarship.
  • A change of degree program, interruption of education, or withdrawal from degree program may result in cancellation of the scholarship award and disbursements. Student understands that a change in student status may impact eligibility.
  • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid documents by the assigned start date.
  • Students who delay their start date may lose their eligibility.
  • Funds from the Women in Technology Scholarship may only be used toward the tuition and laptop, known as Project LaunchBox, for a Full Sail University campus or online Bachelor of Science degree program.
  • Scholarship funds will be disbursed by semester throughout the student’s enrollment at Full Sail University.
  • Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 for the duration of their Emerging Technology degree program to remain eligible for scholarship disbursements.
  • This scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable cash value.
  • Documentation provided as part of a submission will not be returned.
  • The project must be the original work of the applicant.
  • All submissions must abide by Full Sail University’s Nondiscrimination Policy. Applicants who submit work that does not abide by this policy will be disqualified.
  • Work submitted will be judged by Full Sail University’s Emerging Technology Scholarship panel.
  • This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships initiated and/or awarded by Full Sail University.
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

Project Requirements for Applicants

All applicants must select a project listed below and submit an original project, with screencast, as specified in the following instructions:

Cybersecurity – Submit a project plan on how you would protect an information technology server against unauthorized hackers. The plan should include at least one identified system vulnerability, the significance if exploited, and possible steps to protect the system. Also, a screencast explaining the reasoning on how to protect the system must be provided.

Computer Science – Submit a software application created with a programming language of your choice. The submitted application must show significance and originality and must solve a problem using computer science principles. You must also display significant use of a programming language (e.g., C#, C++, JavaScript, Java). The submission must include all sources and assets used to create the project. Outside sources must be cited within the submission. Submit a brief video (under 10 minutes) that includes the following:

  • A screencast/video showcasing your application/site/work and explaining its purpose.
  • An explanation of your development process. How did you make this?
  • A delineation of what is created and written by you and what is from other sources such as content, code, libraries, group work, frameworks, etc. The objective is to distinguish your original contributions to the project from outside sources.

Electronic Engineering – Submit an original project creating a vehicle controlled by an external input device using an Arduino board or equivalent. You must use a game engine (e.g., Unity or Unreal) to program your vehicle. The submitted project must include an original STL fi le of the vehicle being controlled. The submission must include all sources and assets used to create the game. Outside sources must be cited within the submission. Submissions must be under 75 MB and submitted as a complete project in ZIP format. Also, a screencast explaining the project and its features must be provided.

Information Technology – Submit a project plan on how you integrated a new technology in your home network or lab. Describe what you intended to accomplish, the software or hardware you used, and the results of your project. The plan should include a design of your network, servers, operating systems used, and a screencast of you demonstrating and explaining the working system.